Be a millionaire in six months! Make thousands of dollars in five minutes! Collect thousands of dollars in your account every month! Quit your job! Tell your boss goodbye! These are just some of the claims made by many of the programs sold over the internet to the hundreds of thousands of people looking to make extra income in their spare time from home. Becoming a millionaire through the internet is not an impossible feat, but your offering would need to be quite unique and have a broad appeal to accomplish that level of income. Making extra money over the internet is not impossible, but certainly, will require some work on your part. One of the most profitable systems is Niche Affiliate Marketing. Affiliate marketing is becoming more popular and more and more e-retailers are jumping on board to take advantage of this growing marketing tool. The key to making money in this arena is “niche marketing”.
What is Niche Affiliate Marketing you ask? Well, lets take a look. A “niche” is defined as a special area of demand for a product or service. Ideally, a niche in marketing is fundamentally a market within a market. For example, fruit would be a general market, but apples would be a market within the fruit market. Another example, shoes. Shoes encompass all the possible shoes there are to buy or sell. Stilettos would be considered a niche market of shoes; it only appeals to a certain demographic or market. Niche marketing involves targeting a specialized “sub-market” and concentrating your marketing efforts to the demographic common to that market.
Affiliate marketing is a marketing practice in which a business rewards one or more affiliates (you) for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliate’s (your) own marketing efforts. Affiliate marketing uses one website to drive traffic to another. Its a form of online marketing that is frequently overlooked by advertisers. While search engines, e-mail, and website syndication capture much of the attention of online retailers, affiliate marketing carries a much lower profile. However, affiliates continue to play a significant role in e-retailers’ marketing strategies.
Now you know what makes money, but do you know exactly HOW to go about it? Most people dont, and its really quite simple. Many programs will promote themselves as having the “magic formula” or the “secret” to affiliate marketing and charge you a good deal of money for them to tell you when theres really no magic involved and its hardly a secret. Affiliate niche marketing simply involves finding a niche, blogging or writing informative articles about that niche, providing a link to your website which will promote that specific niche product, and then providing a link to where the reader can BUY that niche item.
Your Blog/Article ==> YourLandingPage ==> Merchants Website
As simple as this appears, it is a little more involved. And, to put it all together will require a little time and a little money. The cash outlay is very minimal and designing a website need not be a daunting task if the program or system you purchase guides you through it thoroughly.
The key to getting into affiliate niche marketing is finding a program or system that will guide you thoroughly through each and every step from purchasing your domain name to setting up your merchant account to be paid. The problem that most people find when they purchase a program or system is that they are left to fend for themselves when it comes to choosing a domain name, finding hosting, creating a website/landing page, understanding the importance of keywords, how to blog, how and where to submit articles, what to expect with affiliate programs, how to get ads on your website, and so on. These tasks can be extremely frustrating and, as a consequence, people give up before they get started.
Affiliate niche marketing can generate a decent amount of extra income. When purchasing a program to help you get started in that arena, overlook the hype and overblown promises and find ones that offer you the most assistance from beginning to end. There are programs out there that do just that, but will require some work in ferreting them out.