Get the biggest bang for the buck from your Christmas PLR this holiday season. Increasingly, people are surfing the web instead of shopping the malls to complete their Christmas list. Here are 5 ways to cash in using quality Christmas PLR.
Make a Profitable Free Report Everyone likes free quality products. So, give the people what they want. With the correct placement of affiliate links, a free report can translate into huge profits. The challenge is creating a report that flows well and includes the key words for the products you want to sell. That is where quality Christmas PLR comes into play. Say you have a collection of PLR on Christmas lights, “The Different Styles of Christmas Lights”, “How to Pick Christmas Lights”, “How to Safely Hang Christmas Lights”. Combine the articles together into one free report. The content already flows together naturally; All you have to do is embed your Christmas light affiliate links using Word, then turn the report into a PDF. Post the report on Scribd, the largest community of online readers, and reap the rewards.
Become a Yahoo! Answer Guru – Yahoo! Answers is a question and answers based social network with over approximately 18 million users in the U.S. Web publishers and internet markets looking to build clout in their industries should use this to their advantage. Browse open questions to find a question your handy Christmas PLR material can answer. For example, in the Electronics section, a person asks if they should buy Resident Evil or Deep Space 9. Simply pull up your affiliate reviews for those video game products, then cut and paste a portion of the text to support one or the other. Just like that, you are a Video game expert with resourceful, detailed answers. Not only will you gain respect, but also traffic as your referenced site is starred as a quality site. Yahoo Answers is also indexed for a while, integrating your post into Yahoo Search, Yahoo Brand Channels and Yahoo local. What a great way to build a presence with the help of your Christmas PLR.
Newsletters We all know informative PLR makes great email newsletter content for your opt-in list. But why not take it a step further and reach out to your customer base the old fashioned way? Printed newsletters beat online versions when it comes to acceptance, attention to the message and customer response. It feels more personal and reinforces the legitimacy of your company. Christmas PLR has everything you need to add educational, fun and useful articles to your newsletter for a nominal price.
Acquire a Youtube Presence Breathe new life into your Christmas PLR by using it as a basis for a video. Videos have a huge influence on sales. People like to connect a face with your name, so a simple talk to the camera format creates credibility and trust. PLR makes wonderful scripts for information sharing. Since a video, will not create duplicate content you can concentrate on working the camera. A novice can easily make their own video at Camtasia or Jing.